Friday, April 13, 2012

Sponsor Feature....At Home in the Northwest

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Today I would love to introduce to you, Jen from At Home in the Northwest! I found Jens' site when I first saw this picture:

An Indoor Jungle Gym!!! My kids would SO love this!! So I had to introduce myself and let her know how much I {heart} her jungle gym :-) She has been great getting know, and now I'd love for you guys to get to know her too!!

My name is Jen. I'm a wife and a mom with a passion for creating and decorating. As a child, my bedroom furniture was constantly on the move. And as an adult, over 10 years of working in buying offices and retail has provided me with knowledge to further my love and understanding of decorating. When I first discovered blogging, I was hooked. I wanted to write a blog. I dreamt up a name. I 'claimed it' on blogger. And there it sat. Untouched. For two years. I'd often write posts in my head, but spent my time reading everyone else's blogs. My husband was finally able to encourage me enough...I took the plunge and started writing. This blog allows me to share bargain craft ideas, like my $7 personalized doormat to something more complex, like my shelf tutorial. Blogging has also allowed me to do some interior design, which is more than I could have ever hoped for. Hop over and visit! My hope is that you enjoy what you see and that you leave feeling inspired.

Thank you Jen, so much, for stopping by today!!

Head on over to, At Home in the Northwestand check out her lovely home and her wonderful tutorials! her some love!!

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